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Seidou Mbombo Njoya na president for Cameroon Football Federation afta open vote

Seidou Mbombo Njoya, weh e don work for FIFA and CAF before don become president for Cameroon football federation afta open vote weh all man di see how e di go for national television.

De vote yi president afta two for seven candidates drop. Franck Happi stop give e vote for Joseph Antoine Bell and Emmanuel Bissong Egbe give e vote for Herve Patrick Tchinda.

Na big match with Jospeh Antoine Bell but Seidou finally win. E get votes 46 votes and Bell 17.

Before de vote, security bi tight for dis CAF Technical centre from junction right inside de hall.

Na three check points form main entrace for Mbankomo weh tori pipo pass before deh finally scan dia bags before deh enta di hall.

Na about 12:00 pm weh de 66 delegates, committee for wise pipo for Fecafoot, FIFA and CAF representatives shiddon as real business start.

Deh read names for de delegates for make sure say all dem kam for elections. Den for yi tok, President for Normalisation Committee, Dieudonne Happi tok de kana work weh deh do for football house for dia 15 moons.

E say deh bring new tin weh na audit commissions for check how deh di use moni.

E hope say with de election deh go end de kana wuruwuru weh e don take chair shiddon for Fecafoot now for nearly six years for sea technical issues and moral.

E say electoral commission take e taim for make sure say all tin clean, no mayo mags for de vote and say deh treat all candidates fain.

Voting start about 3:00 pm, two candidates first give dia votes for odas. Franck Happi withdraw for support Joseph Antoine Bell, and Bissong Emmanuel give e vote for Herve Tchinda.

Na so one by one deh di call any delegate e go vote.

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